Brett O'Riley
ChampionCEO - Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development
The MIT REAP team from New Zealand chose diverse team members of the stakeholder team, and who would be comfortable working with each other. Each team member represented one of the key stakeholder groups, including government, venture capital, university, corporations, and the entrepreneurial community. To learn more about the team’s strategy please visit the “Team Strategy” tabs below.
Through MIT REAP, the regional team analyzed past and current initiatives as well as identified future trends. Their goal was to map-out a forward-looking vision of the ecosystem to better understand the complexity and needs of the growing entrepreneurial community.
Strategic Intervention(s):
Coming soon!
Social progress and economic prosperity as a collective measure of development in a region.
Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurial Ecosystems are regional environments that effectively support startups focused on addressing global markets based on technological, process or business model innovation.
Ability to develop new to the world innovations from inception through to the market.
EXPAND ALL-Pool of innovators
-Education in tech and commercialization
-Nature of established companies in region
Ability to start and build new to the world businesses from inception to maturity.
EXPAND ALL-Funding for research
-Government programs
-Competition policy
-Intellectual property policy
-Technology transfer and collaboration policy
-Nature of established companies in region
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!