Victor H. Moctezuma Aguirre
ChampionCEO - HUB iLab
The team has identified the needs in nurturing both innovation and entrepreneurial capacity of the human capital through the encouragement of Innovation-Driven Enterprises (IDEs). Their recommendation was to develop an ecosystem to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship culture, being active in:
1. Detecting and accelerating local talent
2. Transforming forms of knowledge into applicable sources of profit
3. Increasing regional GDP through innovation productivity ○ Solving social problems
Answering all these challenges was the creation of an incubator that would specifically train its participants in the creation of tech-based IT solutions (to target innovative capacity) and businesses (entrepreneurial capacity boost).
Strategic Intervention(s):
Please see below for the short study on the Mexican innovation Hub iLab:
Social progress and economic prosperity as a collective measure of development in a region.
Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurial Ecosystems are regional environments that effectively support startups focused on addressing global markets based on technological, process or business model innovation.
Ability to develop new to the world innovations from inception through to the market.
EXPAND ALL-Pool of innovators
-Education in tech and commercialization
-Funding for research
-Government programs
-Nature of established companies in region
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Ability to start and build new to the world businesses from inception to maturity.
EXPAND ALL-Government, corporate and consumer demand for new products and services
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!